In 1996, the scope of the Wood Royal Commission into NSW police corruption was expanded to include pedophilia. However, things were even worse than this sounds. In simplistic terms, that scope was further expanded because the alleged crimes of pedophilia were not confined to NSW, and they implicated a Federal Government Agency. These incredible revelations are what led to the creation of the 1996 Commonwealth Pedophile Inquiry. This article will provide evidence suggesting that the deep state perpetrators (or shadow government) needed to shut this enquiry down as soon as possible. I will explore how this shut-down was coordinated. It is not for the feint-hearted.
Before we go there, let’s look at how it all began:
One accusation that likely contributed to the expanded scope of the Wood Royal Commission, came from Labor politicians, Franca Arena and Deirdre Grusovin:
The questions by Grusovin and Arena were heroic in retrospect. These kinds of questions were what led to the Wood Royal Commission investigations being expanded into the 1996 Commonwealth Pedophile Inquiry. The most critical point to hold on to here is that this national scope of pedophilia had a direct connection to the Australian Government; specifically the Department of Foreign Affairs (at that time), AND to overseas aid:
Why on earth would this particularly agency be a primary focus of this Inquiry? The answer to this question lies in the detail of the Commission’s findings, as I will unpack shortly.
The truth around all of this was desperately trying to surface. When truth shines its light, distractions and distortions also become visible. An information war usually ensues. That is exactly what occurred in Australia, at this time.
The Distorter-in-Chief that would handle this mess in 1996 was none other than Alexander Downer, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade.
Downer’s 1997 Press Release about the Inquiry’s findings did reference two pedophile cases within the Department that had “significant deficiencies” in how they were handled, however his stated conclusion was that there was “no official toleration of pedophile behavior within the agencies of the Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio during the last 21 years, and no cover-up.”
This is peak insanity! These two conclusions cannot logically exist together. This was a cover-up taking place in full view.
The reason Downer gave for there being no further action was that the cases were old and were done under a former Labor government. He concludes that, “political responsibility for those deficiencies clearly rests with the government of the day.”
Now please stick with me here, as this hubris is at a scale unimaginable to most. It is very subtle, but Downer’s conclusion relegated the high-crime of pedophilia to a “political responsibility”. Read that last sentence again. Here is the transcript below:
The Commission acknowledged numerous accusations against Direct Aid Programs and officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), which explains why this agency was specifically noted in the Inquiry. It is incredible that there would be so many, and yet nothing more was made of all this. That is because the official findings of the Inquiry cleverly noted the presence of the two cases, but then said there was no toleration or cover-up, and that it was just a political matter. Alexander Downer shut it all down, and the media largely supported him, as they ignored it all.
To be fair, some media outlets covered a few related stories, maybe to keep the people happy that things were being unearthed, but no-one held the Australian Government accountable for such a blatant coverup.
Former DFAT staff member of 23-years, Shane Carroll, tried his best to expose everything. Personally, I will remember Shane as a true patriot in this truth movement. Shane even noted that one of the crimes was kept “in house” and that the Ambassador knew about it:
So, lets summarize what we just read: William Brown, a known pedophile was recalled from Jakarta to Australia because of pedophilia accusations and our government put him in charge of the AusAid portfolio for 11 years!
This story sounds so unlikely, that people simply don’t believe it. Those exposing this stuff are accused of being the lunatics! Alexander Downer and those running the Commonwealth Inquiry all knew this. This was a mainstream media article. What are we witnessing here? Is anyone awake? Just because this lives in history doesn’t make it OK; nor does it mean nothing should be done about it now.
This is an enormous Government cover-up and Downer, along with our Federal Government and “independent” commissioners, were leading the way.
William Brown eventually returned to Bali, re-offended, and was convicted. He was found hanged in his jail cell soon after learning of his 13-year jail sentence:
But wait, there’s more. In 2004 the Sydney Morning Herald reported that a whistle-blower from DFAT had stated that, “up to 20 other Australian diplomats had been involved in pedophile activity overseas” and that considerable information was in secret reports. It is time to ask our corrupt government, where are these reports?
Please re-read what I just revealed: “20 other Australian diplomats had been involved in pedophile activity overseas.” These are not degenerate hobo’s living in a farm shed somewhere; these are appointed diplomats.
The Balinese authorities knew something was horribly wrong. Their police were even crying foul, suggesting the Australian Government was complicit:
Due to his roles and appointments, there is one person who likely knows exactly what took place during this incredible international pedophile cover-up. This man is David Ritchie.
From 1999 to 2001 Ritchie was a senior foreign affairs adviser to Prime Minister John Howard, and from 2001 was promoted to Deputy Secretary at DFAT. In 2002, Ritchie was appointed as chargé d'affaires at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta and then he was appointed as the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia:
Why was the relationship between Australia and Indonesia “most complex”? We now know exactly why it was so complex. Alexander Downer and David Ritchie ought to be interrogated immediately to determine exactly what they knew, and when they knew it.
Nothing was done by the Australian Government despite William Brown being named as a person of interest in an AFP pedophilia investigation report on Project Mandrake in 1996:
Please take time to let this sink in. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) knew, and Brown was released to reoffend. Who is going to stand up and call for accountability at this point? Today, the people of the earth are screaming out, who is going to stand up and advocate for the children?
Strange alliances:
In another strange coincidence, Alexander Downer seems to have influence with all sorts of famous families who have pedophilia shadows around them.
Following the Australian PM’s apology to victims of child sex crimes, Prime Minister Scott Morrison declared that “action must accompany words”.
We all agree. We all saw where it needs to occur. However, Australia doesn’t need more recommendations; we need leaders with courage; we need leaders who will head up an army against these ongoing evil cover-ups.
Morrison came and went, and nothing was advanced in this space. He did nothing in terms of transparency in this regard.
The 28 names that Sen. Bill Heffernan mentioned in Parliament remained hidden. Listen to his speech here (1:34):
The Mulligan Report, the Heiner Affair and other information also remains hidden.
Politicians talk of action but they do nothing. Really, they enable pedophilia. Politicians are the problem, and they continue this horrible coverup. Prove me wrong with evidence to the contrary.
If you’re offended by these comments, you’re also a part of the problem. How else will we break out of this cycle of corruption and coverup unless we ALL take responsibility. Children are being hurt. Once we collectively unite around this issue, it will be over.
I long for that day.